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Shred Day – Better Business Bureau!

Shred Day – Better Business Bureau!
Saturday, April 26

Shred Day sponsored by the Better Business Bureau,

April 26th.  Rain or Shine!

Shred Day is returning to Timonium and White Marsh to offer free document destruction to all who need it. This annual event is part of a national campaign that seeks to reduce identity theft and broaden scam awareness in our communities. In Maryland, identity theft comprises a quarter of all fraud reports submitted to the FTC. Nationwide, consumers lost roughly $43 billion to identity fraud in 2022, and experts predict rates of identity theft and fraud will grow in 2025. 
Which documents should you shred? 
  1. Old tax forms
  2. Junk mail
  3. Documents with a signature that you no longer need
  4. Old bank statements
  5. Credit or credit card offers
When in doubt, bring it to Shred Day!
BBB staff, volunteers, and sponsors will be on-site to give full-service assistance to keep drivers and passengers safely inside their vehicles while authorized personnel from the National Association of Information Destruction, AAA certified company, Iron Mountain, perform the actual shredding.

For more information call 410-332-0739.

Shred Day – Better Business Bureau!

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