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SHA Unity Ride!

SHA Unity Ride!
Wednesday, April 23

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SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE or to find out more information!!! Go to
MTBMA is proud to continue our commitment to advocating for safer work zones for the dedicated men and women in our industry. As part of our ongoing efforts, we are pleased to announce our collaboration with MDOT SHA and MDTA on a significant and visually impactful Unity Ride during the upcoming National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, which is scheduled to begin on April 21, 2025.

The Maryland Work Zone Safety Unity Ride, scheduled for April 23rd, 2025, is a powerful event dedicated to raising awareness about work zone safety and honoring the lives of those impacted by work zone incidents. This symbolic ride unites industry professionals, contractors, public officials, and community members in a collective effort to promote safe driving practices and protect workers on Maryland’s roadways. The event features a ceremonial ride, guest speakers, and moments of reflection to emphasize the importance of vigilance in work zones. By fostering unity and shared responsibility, the ride underscores MTBMA’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of every road worker and traveler. 

In interested in participating in the unity ride, please fill out the linked form above. More details will follow as we get closer to those who sign up.

SHA Unity Ride!

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