The following policies and procedures are in place for the safety and comfort of our patrons and exhibitors.
Permissible and Non-Permissible Items
Permissible Items:
- Bags/backpacks not exceeding 18 x 18 inches
- Child/diaper bags, clear bags if possible
- Medical equipment i.e. oxygen tanks, medical devices
Non-permissible Items:
- Coolers
- Drones
- Alcoholic beverages
- Fireworks
- Weapons, including but not limited to guns, knives, scissors, stun guns, tasers, lasers, brass knuckles
- Selfie sticks
- Duffle bags
- Mace/Pepper spray
- Combustible Items
- Hoverboards/Segway
The Maryland State Fair reserves the right to confiscate any such item(s) which will not be returned.
All persons entering The Maryland State Fairgrounds and their camera bags, purses, and containers are subject to direct/indirect physical search.
Demonstrations, protests, and vigils of any nature are prohibited on the grounds and premises of The Maryland State Fairgrounds, during The Maryland State Fair, and all events and functions.
*The Fair reserves the right to immediately remove any objectionable items from the Maryland State Fairgrounds, including but not limited to items for sale and items used as promotional materials and in displays.
MD State Fair Security Policy
Fairgoers assume any and all risks and responsibilities associated with attending the Maryland State Fair, including seen and unforeseen matters. In the case of any such claims arising from the Maryland State Fair, attendees expressly wave and agree to release the venue and all its agents, performers, as well as Etix, 24-7 Entertainment, and all its agents from those claims. Attendees agree to abide by all venue gate/security/parking/admission policies and procedures.
The venue reserves the right to refuse admission to any attendee in the event of disorderly or abusive conduct, inappropriate language, or as management determines. The venue also reserves the right to eject or decline admission to any person(s) for behavior or language deemed inappropriate by management. Under these provisions, the attendee is entitled to no refunds or remuneration of any kind. Unauthorized sale, resale, or attempted resale is illegal and may result in seizure and cancellation without compensation.
The Maryland State Fair does not engage in, nor honor any comp or sold tickets via third party. The ticket is only valid for the date, time, event, and area issued on the ticket. The ticket is non-transferable or redeemable for cash. Unauthorized reproduction of any ticket is punishable by law. No refunds or exchanges except as provided herein. Date and time of the event are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.
Demonstrations, protests, vigils of any nature are prohibited on the grounds and premises of The Maryland State Fairgrounds, during The Maryland State Fair, and during any and all events and functions.
The Maryland State Fair is not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced Fair admission/parking passes.
The Maryland State Fair reserves the right to photograph, video, and conduct live/NON-LIVE feeds of all events during The Maryland State Fair and all other functions and events on premises without reimbursement for use in marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes.